Blacks Beach

Blacks Beach

Sunday, May 15, 2011

We Are Finally Off On The Big Trip

Sunday 15th May 2011. Lennox Head
Well, we are finally off on the big trip to the North West. We have farewelled everyone, had lunches out, waved goodbye to family and friends and in 4 days we have made it as far as Lennox Head. We decided to stop and see Lee for a night before we left New South Wales. The days have been beautiful but boy the nights are cool. We leave here this afternoon to go to the Sunshine Coast. The van is booked in to Bushtracker for a service tomorrow and we need to have it in there by 7am, so we are going to camp in the van outside the factory. We are fully self contained so it won't be an issue.
This was just a short blog just to let everyone know we are on the move at last. There are no photos yet but there will be soon.
Blog you soon

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