Blacks Beach

Blacks Beach

Friday, May 13, 2016

On the Move Again

Friday 13th May

Well, we are away on another little trip. We left home on 27th April and headed to Gloucester.
On our way along Pennant Hills Road, guess what was three cars ahead of us. Yes it was the BATMOBILE. Kapow, yikes Batman. We couldn't catch it though as we got stuck at the lights and he didn't. Interesting start to our holiday.

After setting up at Gloucester we ordered half a trailer load of wood as we were going to be there for 6 nights and we thought a fire each night would be a great idea
So each  afternoon we lit the fire and some nights we needed it
as the weather got a bit cooler. We even cooked dinner on it some nights. Gloucester is a great place this time of year. Foggy mornings, clearing to beautiful sunny days and then the cool nights.
The only downside of our site is there are caterpillars everywhere but they just seem to pass through the annex area from under the van and then keep going.
While at Gloucester we decided to go up to Barrington Tops. We were a bit disappointed as the signposting was very poor and we nearly took a wrong turn. We ended up at Polblue Falls which weren't running very well as there has been little rain. Then on to Devils Hole Lookout where you can see right back down the valley.
Some views from Barrington Tops.
It was rays birthday on Monday 2nd May. We went to the Bowling Club for lunch on the Sunday and I took him out for lunch on the Monday. He got a new cordless drill and a bottle of port. And he had a voucher from Margaret, his sister which he used to buy a bottle of Chivas Regal. Life is tough when you get to be 64.

We had lots of bird company at Gloucester especially when we gave them little pieces of meat.
Tuesday 3rd May we left Gloucester and headed towards Armidale. We stopped at Walcha for lunch and were glad we had changed our minds about staying there for a few days as there wasn't much to do.

Got to Armidale mid afternoon and it is definitely cooler. We ate dinner inside for about the first time in 4 months. The next day we went on a Heritage Bus tour of Armidale. It takes you around all of the beautiful old buildings and churches in Armidale. And also to the Aboriginal Museum and the Art Gallery and then on to the Booloominbah Homestead at the University of New England. This homestead is now used as Administration for the Uni.
The walkway into the Aboriginal Cultural Centre

Me standing outside Booloominlah Homestead at the University of New England

The stained glass window in the foyer of the Homestead

A rhino made from material and steel at the Regional Art Gallery of New England

Today the 5th May is our wedding anniversary. We decided to go and have a look ay Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral in Armidale. we had driven past it on our tour the previous day and decided it need a better look. Absolutely amazing. Opened in 1912 and it only took them 2 years to pay for it.
The entrance to the Cathedral

Looking down the aisle towards the altar

The beautiful altar

The Cathedral from across the road

Looking up at the gallery, organ area and the beautiful stained glass window.

Next stop the Country Caravan park about 9km south of Stanthorpe. Very quiet place. Had happy hour with some people we met from Tweed Heads.
Then the next night Saturday 7th May we set up in a free camp at Cooyar just east of Kingaroy. Great spot just beside the river.

Sunday 8th May we arrived at Tin Can Bay. Nice park between the marina and ocean. Had a look around the area. Drove down to the boat ramp for a look.

On Tuesday we took a drive out to Inskip Point where there is a lot of good camping spots along the beach front. Saw the barge coming in from Fraser Island then had lunch at Rainbow Beach before heading back to Tin Can Bay.

Looking up Snapper Creek from the boat ramp at Tin Can Bay

Fraser Island barge landing

 Flotsam on Inskip Beach