Blacks Beach

Blacks Beach

Sunday, October 30, 2011


We are now enjoying a few days in Walpole. Walpole is surrounded by the Walpole - Nornalup National park so there are a lot of big trees around. The weather hasn't been the best as it rained for the first 3 days we were here. But on Saturday the weather cleared. There is still a cool breeze blowing but this is expected as it is the south west of WA. We do have a fireplace so we are going to do some cooking on it (I mean Ray is going to do some cooking on it). The caravan park has been pretty busy over the weekend as it was a public holiday in WA on Friday. They didn't have their public holiday in early October like all of the other states. They decided to give it to WA on Friday as the CHOGM conference was on.

On Saturday we went for a drive,but first we went to Walpole markets and I bought some Chrissie presents. We then drove out to Swarbrick forest. This is a significant site because it was one of the focal points for people who campaigned to preserve the old growth forests for future generations. Their efforts culminated in the desire to create the Walpole Wilderness. Swarbrick is an artistic interpretation of these efforts. One of the most spectacular interpretations is the Wall of Perceptions.

Entrance to Swarbrick Forest

Identical twins reflected in Wall of Perception

Forest reflected in the Wall of Perception

On of the sculptures, suspended from the trees

Ray and his twin
Next we drove down to Fernhook Falls.

Water cascading over the weir at Fernhook Falls

The rapids at Fernhook Falls

Old Fordson Tractor on road to Fernhook Falls
On Sunday we went for a drive out to Conspicuous Cliffs and then up to a forest lookout, then to the Giant Tingle Tree and lastly to Circular pools.

Conspicuous Cliffs Beach looking north

Conspicuous Cliffs Beach

Nornalup Inlet and Frankland River from lookout
Looking up at an old Tingle tree
Maura in the base of the Giant Tingle Tree
Giant Tingle
Ray in the Giant Tingle
Circular pool looking upstream
Circular Pool

This is a legless lizard, not a snake. But it sure looked like a snake

We are moving on to Denmark tomorrow as we want to be somewhere where we can go out for Melbourne Cup. It is on at a nice civilised time of 12md here because of the three hour time difference.