Blacks Beach

Blacks Beach

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Bundaberg Area

Monday 3rd November
Moving on day today and it is raining. We haven't had any rain in the daytime for 7 months and today it is pouring. We even thought about staying put for an extra day but then thought it might be raining again tomorrow, so we just packed up and left. It rained on and off the whole way to Bundaberg. When we arrived at the caravan park at Bundaberg it was still raining so we had to set up in the rain.
Anyway it did stop eventually and Tuesday was a sunny day. We got dressed up in our finery to watch the Melbourne Cup.
I got a first and a third but only had small bets but it is all good fun.

The blogs from now on probably won't amount to much. We are moving slowly south spending a week or two at various places where we haven't spent much time before.

If there is something interesting in an area we will go and have a look but it is mainly relaxing time.

Wednesday 5th November was another good day so we decided to go for a drive.

We headed south to Childers. It was only when we got there when we remembered we had been there before. This is where the backpackers hostel had burnt down some years ago and a lot of backpackers were killed. They have a lovely memorial to them.
It is a lovely town with lots of old buildings and lovely sculptures in the main street.

This is a lovely sculpture depicting birds from the area. All made from recycled material.
More artwork. This is done for the Kanakas, people from the islands north of Australia who were brought to the Childers area in the early 1900's to work in the cane fields. They really were the main workers in the sugar cane industry. Many of their descendants are still in the area.

After leaving Childers to head back to Bundaberg, we stopped at a bird sanctuary. It was a little run down but we were the only visitors there. It is supposed to be the biggest free flying aviary in Australia and they have many parrots flying free in a huge enclosure. We got a surprise because the birds just  come and rest on you. As it is a sanctuary many birds are brought to them which have been injured and they nurse them back to health. They also get many birds from families whose elderly relatives have passed away and they have had these cockatoos for many years. They can't be released back into the wild so they are cared for at the sanctuary.
A beautiful blue and yellow macaw. He was in a large cage. They do have a nasty bite and apparently can take your finger off.
This is a sun conure a native bird from South America. There were a lot of them in the aviary. They would just hop on your shoulder and start to preen your hair and face. Very cute birds and so colourful.
Ray with two eclectus male parrots. These are Australian natives. The males are green and blue and the females are  red and blue.The females were not nearly so friendly.
Two sun conures on the perch

A yellow ring neck parrot.

By the time we left the bird sanctuary it was getting close to lunch. We were going to go back into Bundaberg but as we were driving we saw a turn off to Cordalba so we thought we would go in for a look.
We found a really old pub and stopped there for lunch. The publican made us a beautiful pizza to his own recipe. Now Ray is not overly fond of pizza but he really liked this one.
Thin base, tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, salami, bacon, ham, chicken, mushrooms, sun dried tomato, pineapple and sprinkle of cashew nuts on the top. Just beautiful.
This is the Cordalba Hotel. About 130 years old. It needs a bit of TLC but has a really nice atmosphere.
The pictures of old movie stars and Alfie Langer!!!
A very true sign. Every pub should have one on the bar.
The front verandah of the hotel. You can see the F truck in the background.
Ray enjoying a beer on the verandah. I had a Bundy and coke. What else?

The next day Thursday 6th November we visited the Bundy Bondstore. We didn't do the tour as we had done that some years ago. We bought some Bundy liquor, which is a great mixture of Bundy, chocolate and coffee. Recommended by Lee and you just drink it straight over ice. Very nice.

The Bondstore
The Distillery

Next day we decided to go for a drive out to Elliot Heads, then Bargara, Mon Repos and then to Bundaberg Port. When we got to Elliot Heads it was an incredible spot. Beautiful beach and blue water and a cute little caravan park. We made some enquiries and decided to come back there on Monday for a couple of weeks.
Elliot Heads
Elliot Heads looking to the mouth of the Elliot River.

The next place we stopped at was Mon Repos.This is the beach where the marine turtles come to lay their eggs, mostly Loggerhead turtles. we were just a bit early as the season starts later in November. You can come and see it happen but sometimes you have to wait up to 6 hours. We visited the Interpretive Centre.
Mon Repos beach where the turtles come up to lay their eggs.
A life size replica of a Loggerhead turtle at the Interpretive Centre.

Next stop was the Bundaberg Port and marina. There is a big sugar loading facility and a lot of big, beautiful cruisers and yachts. We also had beautiful fish and chips there. Red Emperor.

Another view of the boats.

On the Saturday we went to the Lifestyle Expo in Bundaberg. It is the first time they have held it and it seemed to be quite busy. We saw some sights as the markets were on as well.
A new outfit for up and coming bird watchers. Camo style so they can't see you.
For lunch on Saturday we went to the chinese restaurant at the Brothers Club, which just happened to be across the road from the caravan park. We had a few drinks before and they had these amazing cocktails which come out of a slushy machine. I don't go to pubs and clubs much so I didn't know that you could get stuff like this. So yummy.
This is one of the three bridges which cross the Burnett River in Bundaberg. Two road bridges and one rail bridge.
An old fishing boat moored in the river. It actually looked as if someone was living on it.

A display of old guns in one of the parks in Bundaberg.
There are a lot of amazing sculptures all along the river bank in Bundaberg all done by the same person. This is supposed to represent someone waiting for their partner to return home???
This is another one meant to represent feast and famine. The bottom of the fish is full representing prosperity and the top is just a skeleton representing the bad times.
A water monitor, one of many living in the caravan park.
A wild pineapple growing alongside the amenities in the caravan park at Bundaberg

We left Bundaberg on Monday and drove 29km down to Elliot Heads.. It is a lovely spot and very relaxing. Ray is thinking about doing some fishing and I am going to make some cards. There is a great swimming spot about 200 metres away at the river entrance.
Looking across the sand flats to the entrance to Elliot River.
Just hanging in the water. Crystal clear and quite warm.
Ray just floating in the water
A water level shot.

Anyway that will do for now. I might do a couple more instalments before we get home. We'll see if something interesting happens.
Blog you later.