Still in Kununurra. We leave tomorrow, Wednesday for the Gibb River Road. We will be keeping in touch with family via land line phone when we can, but the blog will have to wait until we get to the other side. If by chance we get a reception I will update. We did our big shop today to get non perishables to last us for about a month. There are a couple of shops on the Gibb, but they only sell basics, e.g. frozen bread and long life milk. Anyway what have we been doing the last couple of days.
Sunday 5th June 2011
We went for a drive to the Grotto today. We were going to visit it when we went to Wyndham but we ran out of time. The grotto is a popular swimming hole in a deep gorge. There are 140 steps down into it. The steps are carved out of the rock face. Ray went down and I stayed up the top. He took some great photos. It is a really pretty place.
Reflections in the Grotto |
Looking down into the grotto |
Ray walking down to the grotto |
The Grotto supposedly 300ft deep |
After this we went out to The Sandalwood Factory. Apparently it is the largest Indian Sandalwood plantation in the southern hemisphere. Sandalwood is used in all perfumes, soaps, make up, pot pourri, incense and lots of other applications. They had a great cafe at the factory where we had lunch.
Came home and cooked a leg of lamb in the Cobb. People all over the caravan park could smell it and we attracted a few visitors. We didn't invite them for a lamb roast though.
Monday 6th June 2011
It is a public holiday in WA today. Foundation Day. We went for a drive up to Kellys Knob, the local lookout. It was a pleasant view out over Kununurra and the Ord Irrigation area.
Kununurra from the lookout |
Ord Irrigation area |
In the afternoon a bus picked us up and took us to the departure point for a cruise on Lake Kununurra/Ord River and Lily Creek Lagoon. We headed up the lake, which was formed when they dammed the Ord River. We then went into Lily Creek Lagoon which is the lagoon beside our caravan park. Then back down the lake and into a tributary creek whre there were some great reflections. The sun was setting at this time and as we came out of the tributary we were treated to a fantastic after sunset picture. magnificent red sky. It was just breathtaking.
Sunset over the Diversion Dam on Lake Kununurra |
Entrance to Lily Creek Lagoon |
Lily Creek lagoon |
Looking at our caravan park from Lily Creek Lagoon |
We were fed the most delicious snacks on the boat, made by the sister in law of the lady who co owns the boat. Turns out it was the chef who owned the cafe at The Sandalwood factory.
Tuesday 7th June 2011
Not much on today. Shopping, alcohol buying and lunch back at the sandalwood factory. I now know how to make a delicious sweet potato and cashew dip, although she didn't let me know how to make her Thai Prawn Cakes. Apparently Curtis Stone, the chef, was here in Kununurra for the Ord River cruise and couldn't stop eating the snacks. he was very impressed by the cooking.
Well, I will continue blogging when I get a chance. Enjoy reading.