Blacks Beach

Blacks Beach

Saturday, April 21, 2012

From Goolwa to Murray Bridge and then to Mannum

After all of the Easter visitors left Goolwa we went for a drive back out to the mouth of the Murray. It was a lot brighter day and the photo we took turned out better.
The mouth of The Murray on a clear day
We then drove down to the Goolwa barrage. There are 5 barrages built around the mouth of the Murray. They have been put there to:
1. Keep the salt water out of the Murray as it is used for irrigation upstream.
2. To keep the water level in the Murray above sea level
3. Ensure there is fresh water fish for domestic and industrial use.
The flow of water through the main barrage is phenomenal as there is so much water in the river.They are letting out as much as they can. There are thousands of birds around hunting for fish as they come through the barrage.

This little tern was exhausted after fishing and couldn't move
After this we drove back out to Victor Harbour and took some photos from a lookout.
Mosaic work at a lookout near Victor Harbour

Looking out over Victor Harbour
Next day, Thursday 12th April we left Goolwa for Murray Bridge. The first bridge over the Murray was built at Murray Bridge in the late 1890's and it is still in use. We had booked into a caravan park just outside Murray Bridge and it was lovely. Privately owned and overlooking the river at a place called Avoca Dell.
Sunset at Murray Bridge
We didn't do too much at Murray Bridge. Caught up on chores, went for a drive to Tailem Bend.
Old trucks at Tailem Bend

Wine barrels outside BWS store at Murray Bridge
 On the Saturday morning the "Murray Princess" came sailing past. It is a big paddleboat which cruises The Murray for between 3 and 7 days. It has 60 en suite cabins and is like an old Mississippi paddle steamer. Quite spectacular.

Murray Princess sailing past

The power of water wheels

The houseboats which cruise the Murray often tie up at Avoca Dell for the night. One night there were 8 of them tied up.
Small paddle boat and a houseboat

On Monday 16th April we left Murray Bridge to go back to Mannum. We had booked a riverside site for 6 nights and got there about 10.30am. We have a great spot. The ferry is nearly within spitting distance and as it runs on demand at night it is fairly quiet.
Our site at Mannum
We aren't doing too much as we are on holiday, although we went for a drive to Mt Barker and back to Hahndorf again for lunch. Mt Barker is about 50km from Adelaide in the Adelaide Hills and is very pretty. A bit like a smaller version of the Blue Mountains with all of the trees changing colour for autumn.
A kayaker paddling down the river with all his worldly possessions
On Thursday Ray went for a ride in a kayak. Not for long though as it is a bit hard on the hips. We are leaving here tomorrow, Sunday and heading up to Swan Reach.