Blacks Beach

Blacks Beach

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Still at Wonga Beach

This is the next part of our stay at Wonga Beach.
Now it is Tuesday 2nd September
It is another beautiful day and we decided to go into Mossman to do some shopping and then head up to Mossman Gorge.
To get there you park at the Visitors Centre and then they bus you up to the gorge.
 This is some fish we saw in a pool near the Mossman falls. There are boardwalks that take you around the forest and down beside the falls.

Some of the rainforest plants growing on the forest floor
The Mossman river flowing through the rocks. When the river floods in the wet season the force of the water can actually move the heavier rocks.

Looking down on one of the pools from the high boardwalk
Ray crossing the suspension bridge
Me on the suspension bridge. I don't like them very much and this one was pretty wobbly so I am hanging on pretty tight.

The water tumbling over the rocks.
After this we headed back to the caravan park. Because it is in a rainforest there are birds everywhere.

These are 2 adult bush curlews with a couple of young ones
There is also a family of peacocks and peahens who roost high up in the trees at night and call out through the night. They are very loud. I also saw a bird native to far North Queensland called a Drongo. Funny name but a handsome black bird with sparkles on its chest.
These signs are on every beach. Not so good for swimming in summer and there is always the danger of crocodiles.

Very heavy dew last night. Everything is quite wet. Today we are going up to Daintree Village to go on a couple of cruises. The upper Daintree River and the lower Daintree River
This is one of the reasons you do the cruise - to see crocs. This one was about 3 metres long and had killed a pelican the day before. He just lets the pelican go rotten and then eats it.
And here is the poor pelican. Just not quick enough
The view from the boat looking along the river. Also on our cruise were 12 students, 2 teachers and 2 assistants from a school in Arnhem land. They had driven to Gove and flew to Cairns and were spending a week doing all of the tourist things. They were having a ball and were so excited and so well behaved. All in Year 5.
Another view of the river
This is the boat we cruised in. Plenty of area to take photos.
When we came back we had a yummy lunch at the Daintree Hotel and then headed down to the ferry crossing to go on the afternoon cruise.
This was a smaller croc, only about 2 metres laying with its mouth open to cool down.
And another one. The fellow told us that this one is a female just resting up and getting her strength ready to breed again.
Looking up the Daintree. as you can see the clouds came over in the afternoon although it was still quite warm.
A tree snake having a little rest on a branch hanging over the river.

We are now in Cairns at Cool Waters caravan park. We will do a few sightseeing things before Friday when we fly home for 2 weeks. I will do another Blog before then.

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