Blacks Beach

Blacks Beach

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Miscellaneous stuff

This is just some extra information and photos which didn't fit in the Blog.

On our travels we have come across a fellow driving a F250 with a huge trailer on the back. All decked out in pretty colours. we have seen it at Derby and in Kununurra and the other day at Victoria River Roadhouse. He is travelling around Australia doing videos of his travels.
When we went on the Horizontal Falls trip there was a guy doing a video and he had a little helicopter on the boat. Well it was this same fellow. He built a helicopter from a kit and is moving around Australia with the chopper in the back of the truck. At Horizontal falls he took a video of the area and ray and john are in it in the shark pool. It is on You Tube. Look for Horizontal Falls Seaplane Adventures by a fellow called Graham Harrison. He also has a lot of stuff on his Blog

Now here are some photos of some of the wildlife signs we have seen.

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