Blacks Beach

Blacks Beach

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Surviving the Gibb, Part 2

Some Things to Remember About Travelling On The Gibb River Road
  • Calculate how much alcohol you need, then add half as much again
  • Keep room in freezer for frozen bread - that is all you can get
  • Develop a liking for long life milk - it is also all you can get
  • Hope you like potatoes, onions, cabbage and carrots. They are the only fresh vegies you can get
  • There is no fresh fruit
  • You can't get a paper, use the internet, use a mobile, hear any news - these are all good points. The peace and quiet is wonderful
  • Use every chance to fill your water tanks
  • Wash clothes when you only have a few. Don't wait for a washing machine. There aren't any
  • Laundry facilities doesn't mean there is a washing machine. It means there is a laundry trough. Big difference
  • Places which were scenic and lush 4 to 5 years ago (according to brochures) may not be the same now, especially if they have been taken over by a government department
  • Not all rocks in creeks are rocks, some are turtles
  • Not all sticks on the road are sticks, some are snakes
  • A "rough" track in WA speak does not mean the same as in other Australian states
  • Have a look at some out of the way places. They are treasures
  • Take the time to explore and photograph the beauty of the Gibb River Road
  • Alcohol is tradeable currency on the Gibb River Road. e.g. Half a bottle of clear rum and 6 cans of coke can be exchanged for a bag of barramundi fillets
  • Carry some cash. Not everywhere has eftpos facilities
Manning Gorge
Our next stop after Mt Elizabeth is Manning Gorge. Manning Gorge is really well known amongst the backpackers who travel Australia. Nearly all of them travelling up north are heading there. For example, we met a young Italian couple who were travelling in a normal 2 wheel drive Wicked van. They were asking questions about the river crossings. Most times they have to be towed out. But it doesn't seem to worry them too much.
 To access Manning Gorge you have to go to Mt Barnett Roadhouse and pay your entry fee. Mt Barnett Roadhouse and Manning Gorge are actually owned by the local Kupungarri Aboriginal Community. At Manning campsite we had a fairly private area and once again were able to have a camp fire. We booked in for two nights.
To access the gorge walk you first have to get over a large waterhole. You have a few options:
  • Walk about an hour round trip and still have to cross knee deep creek
  • Use inner tubes to float over
  • Use kick board to swim over
  • Use noodles to swim over
  • Put all of your things(shoes, socks, towel, shirt and camera) into a polystyrene box and push it across in front of you while you swim
This last option is the one most people use. It is quite a strenuous  45minute walk after this, so I waited beside the waterhole while Ray went and then we had a swim when he came back.

Manning Gorge

Manning Waterfall

Me in Mannings waterhole

Ray swimming across manning waterhole pushing his polystyrene box
Galvans Gorge
This is a day use only stop at the side of the road. After leaving Manning Gorge we stopped for a swim. It is about 1km walk in from the road but mostly flat. You cross a little creek and the waterhole and waterfalls are just in front of you. They are absoloutely delightful. The water was quite cool but after you got used to it , it was fine.

Galvans Gorge

Approaching Galvans Gorge
We then continued on to Imintji which is another roadhouse attached to the Imintji aboriginal Community. We got chatting to the managers who used to own a nursery at Camden, NSW. It is a very busy place. They sell between 3500 and 4000 litres of diesel a day!!!!

Silent Grove/Bells Gorge
Next stop King Leopold Ranges Conservation Park and Silent Grove. Silent Grove is a campsite controlled by the Department of Energy and Conservation. From Silent Grove you drive up to Bell Gorge and it is about a 1km walk down into the Gorge. Very beautiful gorge and waterfalls and lots of people there.

Bells Gorge

Bells Gorge Waterfall

Bells Gorge
We were planning on doing a helicopter flight over the gorges but the next day was quite cloudy and the pictures wouldn't have been so good. So we might save our helicopter flight for another National park called Karenjeni, which is down near Newman.
While at Silent Grove, I met a brother and sister who were doing a 6 week trip with their family and their father had worked for the same company as Dad. Dad had actually heard of their father. It is a very small world.

Mt Hart
Mt Hart used to be privately managed up until 4 weeks ago when it was reclaimed by the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC)under quite controversial circumstances. The fellow had been there for 20 years and had made quite a lot of improvements to the property and DEC was only going to  give him a pittance for his trouble. There was a lot of publicity and they ended up giving him a lot more money and everyone was happy.
But the DEC are not very good at running places which have a restaurant and bars and cabin accommodation so things are a bit haphazard. But there were plenty of people staying up at the Homestead including Andrew O'Keefe (From Deal or No Deal) and his family and a trio of helicopter pilots who took the chopper out every day to go fishing in remote gorges for Barramundi.
We stayed down in the campsite which was OK. But they had no washing machines and we had to do about 2 loads by hand which I didn't enjoy. While there visited a small waterhole which they have. Once again a nice place to cool off and a nice flat walk into it.

Ray crossing the creek to take a photo of the Big Boab Tree

Annies Creek Waterhole

Big Boab Tree

Windjana Gorge and Tunnel Creek
We booked into Windjana Gorge for 4 nights and on the first day we decided to go for a run into Derby, about 1hour 30 minutes each way. We had run out of important supplies, e.g. beer,soft drink, fruit and vegetables. While there we had lunch at the jetty and a quick look around before heading back to Windjana.
Windjana Gorge is part of the Windjana Gorge Conservation Park and Tunnel Creek is part of the Devonian Reef Conservation Park.
The picture at the top of the blog is of our campsite at Windjana with the walls of the Gorge behind us. The walk into the gorge was great with crocodiles basking in the sun on the sides of the waterholes. They are only fresh water crocs and quite harmless so long as you don't bother them.

Walkway into Windjana Gorge

Let sleeping crocs lie

The Devonian Reef was a barrier reef around the Kimberley about 350 million years ago. This is a fossilised sea creature from that time.

Looking out of Windjana Gorge
Tunnel Creek is about 35km from Windjana and is a day use only place so we went down there one morning.
It is an underground passage which has been eroded beneath the limestone range by Tunnel Creek. The cave is about 750metres long and 3metres high. The water is about waist deep in places. We didn't take the camera as Ray was worried about getting it wet. But some other people at the campsite took photos, so when they get home they are going to e mail their photos to us.

Fitzroy Crossing
Next stop we headed to Fitzroy Crossing so we could go on the boat cruise up Geikie Gorge. Geikie Gorge was formed by the floodwaters of the Fitzroy River and you can see on the walls the high water mark during the wet season.

Contrasting colours on walls of Geikie Gorge

Looking down the gorge

Balancing rocks forming 2 windows

So now we are in Derby for 11 nights. I will do the blog if we do something special. For instance we are going for an overnight trip to the Horizontal Waterfalls and staying on a boat overnight. We are doing this on 19th July. Here is the link to the website so you can see what it is like.

1 comment:

  1. stunning pix--who is the water baby?have a great time--cheers gaz
